Working Paper: Factors Influencing the Submission of EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 Pledges
This is the 3rd milestone report of the 2023/24 Charlemagne Prize Academy Fellow, Dr. Verónica Relaño, in which she examines the methodology and statistical analyses to assess the factors influencing the submission of pledges for the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030.
Executive Summary:
The report analyses the methodology and statistical analyses to assess the factors influencing the submission of pledges for the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030. Key observations from the analysis include the identification of both positively and negatively skewed responses, as well as symmetrical distributions for certain questions. Regional differences were significant, as highlighted by the ANOVA and non-parametric tests. The Cramér's V test added depth to the understanding of the strength of associations between categorical variables. The use of multiple statistical tests ensured the reliability and robustness of the results. This report underscores the importance of regional differences and meticulous data preprocessing to maintain data integrity. The comprehensive analysis, using a combination of statistical methods, ensures that the findings that will be presented in the final quarter report are well-supported and reliable.